yeah, i know its kinda late.. but YEEE-EAAAH it was fun, especially when you're sitting in front and Jay-R's there and yeah. you get the picture. :P
anyway. as i was sayin! OH YEAH! i was able to watch footloose. i really wanna go into the funny details, but ill do that when i'm not lazy and sleepy. hehe. here are the pics na lang :D

stolen shot! haha!
yeah, i know its kinda late.. but YEEE-EAAAH it was fun, especially when you're sitting in front and Jay-R's there and yeah. you get the picture. :P
anyway. as i was sayin! OH YEAH! i was able to watch footloose. i really wanna go into the funny details, but ill do that when i'm not lazy and sleepy. hehe. here are the pics na lang :D

stolen shot! haha!

stolen shot that almost got my camera confiscated haha


squalers for a night! (vickie, ivy, carmeli and me)

oh gosh, yes i WAS a squealer. sori. pogi e. hehe.
*cant remove plastered smile on face. hehe*