(make that, my SUMMER UPDATE)
i think i havent made a decent update since forever.. well, since summer classes became so busy. whatever. and then the pc crashed (for the nth time) so there, from then on i got sooooo darned lazy to create an entry. hehe. here goes. i'll just check on which date to start.
Ooohhh my last good entry was the May 13th one so let’s start with May 14.
May 14, Saturday
I met up with Janina at Galleria. I arrived kinda early, coz there weren’t too many people yet (considering they had a sale that day). I decided to go to 50th Avenue (ang kikay kasi).. but I really did not know what to do or buy pa that time. I saw shoes, bags, earrings, bracelets, etc. but I bought this white and bronze body bag for a super discounted price of 200 buckeroos :P here’s the pic: hehe.. es muy cute :)
Nothing much happened today. Same old, same old. Went to Christ the King for mass, and had lunch with my familia.
May 16, Monday
I believe this day was a scary one. Being the shy person, I am terrified of speaking in front of other people. And earlier that day, I heard from my classmates that the other Business Writing and Presentation AM class had their impromptu speeches already. It’s verrrry similar to our Jam Session for A&D class back in 4th yr high school. Hehe. Memories? Anyway, I got the question: “If you would be cast away in an island, what two things would you bring?”. I remember answering a) a music player, and b) Bible. Hehe. I said that I felt that ever since, I have tried to avoid that question coz I really don’t wanna think about it :P but at that moment, I had no choice but to answer it. Haha. A classmate counted my “UHMMS and AAAHHH”, and it totaled to a whooping 18. my prof said she even counted 20. wow. I’m the Queen of Uhmms. Haha!
May 17, Tuesday
My schedule on Tuesdays (during the summer) is only from 1-4 pm. My prof cancelled our class, and I decided to make it a “holiday”. So, I still went to school and went to the mall. (tsk, tsk) hehe. Me and Janina made another “date” haha. A shopping date, that is. We met at Mega (again). But we really planned to go to Greenhills that day. :) Before we met up, I did some going around on my own. I bought her a dictionary (coz she’s asking me to help her with grammar and stuff – as if I’m good at it! Haha) and I bought “Pride and Prejudice”.
May 18, Wednesday
It’s just Part 2 of the impromptu speeches. And I was the official “uhmm” counter. Ahhaa. Maybe coz I was the Uhmm Queen Record Holder. Unfortunately, a classmate took my crown coz she had around 22 uhmms. Buhbye crown. :P
May 19, Thursday
I’m looking at my planner-slash-diary, and nothing’s written on the May 19th page.
May 20, Friday
Lagunaaaa! HAHA! I wore my new fave Pink cap :) haha. Pacute. There. I was with my relatives, mother’s side. :) It was fun. They made me sing like crazy, til we got bored. :) I’ll just post some pics :)
I met up with Katotong Rob at Mega (forever) that day. We had lunch a Sbarro’s.. weeh! Then we headed to (tada) Alimall haha. I was craving for this Mango chuvaloo desert at Fat Choi so we went there, and went around for a bit, and I bought this “I ? UAP” pin at Papemelroti. Haha :P (loyal?) Oh, I also saw Dhet and her special someone there (small world!) and yeah, we went to Gateway after to have coffee and cake at The Coffee Beanery (hmm) there. People watching and chikahan. Went home at around 6. :P
May 22, Sunday
Nothing much. My planner just says: “OH, HELL”. Must be a happy day ? haha!
May 23, Monday
Hmmm. Nothing much. Again. Oohh. I finished my speech by this time. And I started to memorize it. I got the # 7 slot for Wednesday (I belonged to the first batch of speechers haha) We just did some business letters or memos in class.
May 24, Tuesday
Terrible. I was terrified for my speech the next day. But I know that I didn’t care that much. Haha. I just want everything to be over. Haha. We were given free time that day, just for consultation. Me, mej, earvin and Sheryl went pichur pichur outside the room haha!
SPEECH DAY!!! PLDT Hall!!! OMG!! I survived. I talked about how college life has been for me. Pretty personal and boring. Haha. But hey, I got a 90! Haha! Happiness, it’s over :P
May 26, Thursday
That was my BAKLA DAY. I went to school in a pink and black top and black skirt. Haha. Honestly, I only go to school with such formal attire when I’m lazy. SWEAR. No kidding. I had to go to school to evaluate my other classmates for the speeches. There. I had to study for my Business IT with Financial Modelling Finals the next day. Creepy. Thank God my dad had the PC fixed and it had Excel already. Haha.
May 27, Friday
Such an icky sched for this day. We had an exam/finals from 5:30-9:30 PM! Hay. I went to school just in time for lunch so we (me, mej and earvin = crepe babies) went to cofical to have lunch. Then we went to the lib to practice using Excel, etc. Then we decided to stop studying at around 4:30 I think. I was so effed up after the exam!! I didn’t get to finish it,, coz I can’t balance the cash values! Haha! So I decided to stop na lang, kasi inaantok na talaga ako! Haha! NICE! Robrobrob went to school and accompanied me to ministop for 20 minutes. Ahha. Then I went home at 10. :P WOW. :P
May 28, Saturday
All my planner says is BUMMED. BOOOORRRINNNNG DAY.
May 29, Sunday
Went to Mass at Christ the King again. And had lunch at Lydia’s again. Nothing much was new, except for the fact that a super long lost friend talked to me again. Haha. WHOA.
May 30, Monday
LAST DAY OF SUMMER CLASSES!!! OH YEAH!!! :P We had our finals for Business Writing. It was about grammar and stuff and we had to write an essay about our writing strengths and weaknesses. If I get my test back, I’ll blog it haha. Coz it was pretty dramatic. Haha. Nice. Ooh, wait. I think I blogged about that already. :P Check out my entry ng may 31 :) It’s there in my ranting ek-ek. Haha. Here’s another pic of that day :)
Check out my May 31 entry as well. It was supposed to be me, Janina and Neeka’s bonding day.. Unfortunately, it did not push through. And another thing, her lola died :( sad.
June 1, Wednesday
WOW! June naaaa! OMG malapit na ko mag4th year.. COLLEGE!! OH NO!!! I didn’t have plans that day. Oh, I just wanted to go to the parlor. (diba nga, all worries disappear in the parlor. HEAVEN? Hehe!) Anyway, I decided to have my hair relaxed, and have a hair cut and have them fix my bangs.. haha. The result? Here:
June 2, Thursday
It was enrollment day for UST people (hehe affected ako, kasi ndi ako taga-dun – huh?) hehe. Anyway, Neeka said that her UST friends are going to her lola’s wake right after enrolment so I asked Mines if she wanted to come with me. We got to contact Ate Shei and Torres, so we decided to meet up at Mines’ house at around 6:30 I think. Then we headed on to La Funeraria Paz in Parañaque. Turned out that the only person there was Janina (besides us, Neeka’s friends). We stayed there for a bit, and at around 9 we left na kasi Ate Shei needed to be home by 10 (wow sha pa ung may curfew?) but first, we stopped by McDo to have dinner muna and then we arrived at Pasig ng 10 something na. It was raining hard kasi kaya mejo may build up pa rin ng traffic, kahit late na that time. Then I went home na. I think I got scolded. Again. As always.
June 3, Friday
A day before my mom’s birthday. I went to the mall (again) with Janina (again haha). But this one was kinda unplanned. She was supposed to get her new glasses kasi and I had to buy a gift and run some errands, nagkataon lang.. so we just met up na rin. As for the gifts, they’re kinda typical kasi I really can’t think pa of anything creative (maybe due to lack of time or MONEY haha) anyway, I bought this mug from Humor Post that says “World’s Greatest Mom”. Before kasi I gave my dad a mug na “No. 1 Dad”, I tried to find the same sana, kaso out of stock na daw hehe. So there, after that I strolled lang. I went to Toy Kingdom (to look for tamagotchi haha), Filigrenasia, Tower Records and Egg. Tapos I met up with Janoi na. She was at Ideal Vision na that time. She bought the glasses na and nagpasukat na sha and stuff. Tapos we had to claim it after one hour so I bought a gift for my mom na muna. I was set on looking for a bag for my mom, right? Haha. Mas nauna ko pang nakita ang type ko na bag. It was a silver sequined bag na super waaah I lust!!! Pero shmpre almost a thousand sha and I didn’t have enough moolah that day. So sadness tuloy. Haha!!! Anyway, we decided (kasi nagcomment din c janoi) to buy this beige vintage-ish hangbag for my mom :) It’s cute, I’m sure I can borrow it. Haha!! :) Then we went to Greenwich to have lunch. :) Etong c janina lakas trip manglibre. Haha bumabawi. Kaya THANKS ULET! While eating, she was feeling kinda artistic, kaya she made this mala-food stylist na pagaayos sa garlic stix hehe.
My mom’s birthday!!!:) I invited friends over, but no one was able to come. Anyway, Ate Jack and Kuya RJ came over and we just hung out. :) same old, same old – my balikbayan ninong asked me to sing lang. and he gave me 500 bucks. Sweet. (wenk.) Oh, I forgot, my high school friends planned a supposed outing this day but it didn’t push through. Tsss.
June 5, Sunday
Online enlistment today. Well it officially starts tomorrow but some people (well, mommy aspe) can access the site na.. so I had her enlist for me (THANKS :)) so there. That’s it, I think. I think my schedule sucks too. :P
June 6, Monday
This day marks the start of the end. Haha! Parang ang lalim. Last few days of my freedom na itech. This day, I learned that Management made a BIG MISTAKE regarding the subjects that we need to take. I had to drop 2 subjects (na nsa maling list of subjects).. and add 3 more. Wew. H-A-S-S-L-E!!! So anyway, we went to Market! Market! I bought a white skirt (finally!), 3 black blouses (ndi nman entirely black), jeans and a greenish-bluish top :). Here’s one blouse and the skirt:
June 7, Tuesday
897. That was my priority number. Wew. Anyway, I went to UA&P to drop and add subjects, pay my fees and go out with friends after. Haha. We were able to finish early (around 10:30) so we headed to mega to have lunch, and maybe watch a movie. We (MScM people=me, tart, mej and earvin) had lunch at Sbarro and watched “House of Wax”. Laugh trip. Haha. Then we played sa Timezone haha. ADIK! PICHUR!
June 8, Wednesday
Baclaran day today. This day lang ako nakasama ulit coz I had classes usually pag Wednesdays nun summer. Its been ages. Haha. We attended mass, then had lunch at this cheap but yummy place :) astig :P Anyway, I had great buys today again. I bought a pink striped blouse, and a multi-colored top
June 9, Thursday
I was supposed to hang out with Mommy aspe today. (think major bonding sesh) but my dad didn’t allow me to go out. As my planner says: BUMMER.
June 10, Friday
Oh, what a wonderful day. Plan A: Shopping session with Janina at Divi and Market! Market!. That was cancelled. My dad ranted about him not wanting for us to bring his car to divi. So I cried, and apologized to Janoi coz our session is cancelled (again). I just sulked the whole day. In the afternoon, Neeka informed me that they were going to Gateway. Tamang-tama coz I was just asking Janina kung pwde sha ng Saturday to watch a movie. Neeka, hix and catie were gonna watch it din pala. Janina wanted to go, so ininvite nila ako. Eun. I asked for permission, and there, I was able to go to Gateway. The thing is, I had to go back to Pasig by 7:30 to fetch my sister from her dance studio. So there. We had “lunch” for a while. We watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith (kickass movie!!) haha. But I had to leave coz my dad’s calling me like crazy. I was gonna be late!!! I had a deadline, and I was about to miss it. I got lost (kawawa naman akO) well, I think the panic added to this, and I didn’t know where to go out. Plus, I had to call the driver pa. My dad was shouting at me like a mad man and was calling me all sorts of names na. I almost cried, sobra. Hay. He said: “Wag ka na makakapagpaalam na umalis sakin ulit! *^$@*^%%*! SUbukan mo lang, baka mapahiya ka! Wala ka na inalala kundi sarili mo!” hay naku. He just goes on. Sometimes, he just makes me feel so useless. Hay. Then, me and the driver rushed back to Pasig. Thankfully, traffic wasn’t so heavy, so we arrived at 8:10 pm there. We were just on time. Hay nako tlga. Sobrang sumakit ulo ko. And I cry everytime I remember the conversation :( so, basically. I’M GROUNDED.
June 11, Saturday
So, there. I used up the whole day fixing this update. And I’m so tired. Good night!
18 JUNE:
i thought i was finished. but no. more updates!!!! (i'll do that next time. im pretty tired.)